
Object class User Action class Text Description Code
CSLA_SoldierBase CSLA_AGS17Aperire Assemble mount for AGS-17 Soldier assembles mount for AGS-17 this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_AGS17mAperire.sqf'
'CSLA_AGS17mount' in weapons this
CSLA_AGS17Detendere Disassemble mount for AGS-17 Soldier disassembles mount for AGS-17 this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_AGS17mDetendere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 0.9)
CSLA_AGS17Aptare Attach AGS-17 on mount Soldier attachs AGS-17 on mount this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_AGS17wAptare.sqf'
('CSLA_AGS17w' in weapons this) and ((isPlayer this and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17mount']) < 0.5)
CSLA_AGS17Refigere Take off AGS-17 from mount Soldier takes off AGS-17 from mount this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_AGS17wRefigere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_AGS17']) < 0.5)
CSLA_UK59TAptare Attach UK-59 on mount Soldier attachs UK-59T on low mount [this, 'T'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59wAptare.sqf'
(('CSLA_UK59Lp' in weapons this) or (('CSLA_UK59L' in weapons this) and ('CSLA_ZD4x8' in magazines this))) and (((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 0.5)
CSLA_UK59LAptare Attach UK-59 on mount Soldier attachs UK-59Lp on high mount [this, 'L'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59wAptare.sqf'
(('CSLA_UK59Lp' in weapons this) or (('CSLA_UK59L' in weapons this) and ('CSLA_ZD4x8' in magazines this))) and (((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 0.5)
CSLA_UK59TRefigere Take off UK-59 from mount Soldier takes off UK-59T from low mount [this, 'T'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59wRefigere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59T']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59T']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59T']) < 0.5)
CSLA_UK59LRefigere Take off UK-59 from mount Soldier takes off UK-59Lp from high mount [this, 'L'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59wRefigere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and
(this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59L']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59L']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59L']) < 0.5)
CSLA_UK59IAperire Assemble low mount for UK-59 Soldier assembles low mount for UK-59 [this, 'T'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59mAperire.sqf'
'CSLA_UK59mount' in weapons this
CSLA_UK59SAperire Assemble high mount for UK-59 Soldier assembles high mount for UK-59 [this, 'L'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59mAperire.sqf'
'CSLA_UK59mount' in weapons this
CSLA_UK59IDetendere Disassemble mount for UK-59 Soldier disassembles low mount for UK-59 [this, 'T'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59mDetendere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountL']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountL']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountL']) < 0.9)
CSLA_UK59SDetendere Disassemble mount for UK-59 Soldier disassembles high mount for UK-59 [this, 'L'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59mDetendere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_UK59mountH']) < 0.9)
CSLA_saccusImplere Fill & lap sandbag Soldier fills and laps sandbag 75cm before him this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_saccusImplere.sqf'
'CSLA_UK59mount' in weapons this
CSLA_saccusVacuefacere Empty sandbag Soldier fills and laps sandbag 75cm before him this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_saccusVacuefacere.sqf'
(((isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_sandBag']) < 2) or (!(isPlayer this) and (this distance nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_sandBag']) < 5)) and ((damage nearestObject[this, 'CSLA_sandBag']) < 0.7)
CSLA_UK59L_UK59Lp Attach ZD 4×8° on UK-59L Soldier attachs riflescope Meopta ZD 4×8° on UK-59L MG this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59L_UK59Lp.sqf'
('CSLA_UK59L' in weapons this) and ('CSLA_ZD4x8' in magazines this)
CSLA_UK59Lp_UK59L Remove ZD 4×8° from UK-59L Soldier removes riflescope Meopta ZD 4×8° from UK-59L MG this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_UK59Lp_UK59L.sqf'
'CSLA_UK59Lp' in weapons this
CSLA_Sa58P_Sa58Pp Attach ZD 4×8° on Sa-58P Soldier attachs riflescope Meopta ZD 4×8° on Sa-58P assalt rifle this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_Sa58P_Sa58Pp.sqf'
('CSLA_Sa58P' in weapons this) and ('CSLA_ZD4x8' in magazines this)
CSLA_Sa58Pp_Sa58P Remove ZD 4×8° from Sa-58P Soldier removes riflescope Meopta ZD 4×8° from Sa-58P assalt rifle this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_Sa58Pp_Sa58P.sqf'
'CSLA_Sa58Pp' in weapons this
CSLA_Sa61_Sa61t Attach silencer on Sa-61 Soldier attachs silencer on Sa-61 SMG this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_Sa61_Sa61t.sqf'
('CSLA_Sa61' in weapons this) and ('CSLA_Sa61t' in magazines this)
CSLA_Sa61t_Sa61 Remove silencer from Sa-61 Soldier removes silencer from Sa-61 SMG this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_Sa61t_Sa61.sqf'
'CSLA_Sa61t' in weapons this
CSLA_RG4u_RG4o Change RG4 assault -> RG4 defence Soldier attachs fragmentation case on handgrenade RG4 this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_RG4u_RG4o.sqf'
('CSLA_RG4u' in magazines this) and !('CSLA_RG4o' in magazines this)
CSLA_RG4o_RG4u Change RG4 defence -> RG4 assault Soldier removes fragmentation case from handgrenade RG4 this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_RG4o_RG4u.sqf'
('CSLA_RG4o' in magazines this) and !('CSLA_RG4u' in magazines this)
CSLA_Ob80 Selftreatment Soldier treatments him [this, 'CSLA_Ob80'] execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_ligamentum.sqf'
('CSLA_Ob80' in magazines this) and (damage this >= 0.30)
CSLA_OT64C CSLA_CloseVehicle Close vehicle Close all vehicle doors and hatches this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_OT64claudereVehiculum.sqf'
((this animationPhase 'Hatch_Commander' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'Hatch_Driver' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'FrontDoorL' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'FrontDoorP' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'BackDoorTopL1' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' >= 0.95)) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_OpenWindowCover Open window cover Open driver window cover this animate ['WindowCover', 1]
(this animationPhase 'WindowCover' < 0.05) and (alive this) and (isPlayer driver this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_CloseWindowCover Close window cover Close driver window cover this animate ['WindowCover', 0]
(this animationPhase 'WindowCover' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and (isPlayer driver this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_OpenLeftFrontDoors Open doors Open left front doors this animate ['FrontDoorL', 1]
(this animationPhase 'FrontDoorL' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_CloseLeftFrontDoors Close doors Close left front doors this animate ['FrontDoorL', 0]
(this animationPhase 'FrontDoorL' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_OpenRightFrontDoors Open doors Open right front doors this animate ['FrontDoorP', 1]
(this animationPhase 'FrontDoorP' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_CloseRightFrontDoors Close doors Close right front doors this animate ['FrontDoorP', 0]
(this animationPhase 'FrontDoorP' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and (isPlayer driver this)
CSLA_OpenTopDoors Open top doors Open cargo space hatches this animate ['BackDoorTopL1', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorTopL2', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorTopP1', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorTopP2', 1]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorTopL1' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_CloseTopDoors Close top doors Close cargo space hatches this animate ['BackDoorTopL1', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorTopL2', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorTopP1', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorTopP2', 0]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorTopL1' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_OpenBackdoors Open back doors Open back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 1]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_CloseBackdoors Close back doors Close back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 0]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_LandingByRide Unload while moving Unload cargo men while vehicle moving this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraVentura.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and (speed this > 0.5) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_LandingByStop Stop and unload Stop vehicle and unload cargo men this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraMansio.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_BVP1 CSLA_CloseVehicle Close vehicle Close all vehicle doors and hatches this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_BVP1claudereVehiculum.sqf'
((this animationPhase 'Hatch_Commander' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'Hatch_Driver' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'FrontDoorL' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'FrontDoorP' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'BackDoorTopL1' >= 0.95) or (this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' >= 0.95)) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_OpenBackdoors Open back doors Open back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 1]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_CloseBackdoors Close back doors Close back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 0]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_LandingByRide Unload while moving Unload cargo men while vehicle moving this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraVentura.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and (speed this > 0.5) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_LandingByStop Stop and unload Stop vehicle and unload cargo men this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraMansio.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_BVP2 CSLA_LandingByRide Unload while moving Unload cargo men while vehicle moving this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraVentura.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and (speed this > 0.5) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_LandingByStop Stop and unload Stop vehicle and unload cargo men this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraMansio.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))
CSLA_OpenBackdoors Open back doors Open back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 1]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 1]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' < 0.05) and (alive this) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_CloseBackdoors Close back doors Close back doors this animate ['BackDoorL', 0]; this animate ['BackDoorP', 0]
(this animationPhase 'BackDoorL' >= 0.95) and (alive this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this) or ({isPlayer _x} count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) >= 1))
CSLA_LandingByStop Stop and unload Stop vehicle and unload cargo men this execVM '\CSLA_CFG\scripts\CSLA_educereIntraMansio.sqf'
(alive this) and (count (crew this - [commander this, gunner this, driver this]) > 0) and !(surfaceIsWater getPos this) and ((isPlayer commander this) or (isPlayer leader this) or (isPlayer effectiveCommander this))


Single player campaign BRAVO FOXTROT TANGO has ben released as a part of Operations pack for CDLC CSLA Iron Curtain! Go beyond the Iron Curt...