18. januára 2014

ČSLA Studio on Twitch

CSLA Studio has set up own Twitch channel where you will be can see streaming from testing of addons, missions, or gameplay from our MP sessions with community.
So don't hesitate to click on the "Follow" button on our channel: www.twitch.tv/cslastudio.
We will inform about the upcoming streaming in advance, but its not excluded that you can see us on our channel also outside of these "official" events.

5. januára 2014

MP event "Three kings" 2014

After the New year's eve we organized yet another MP community seance.
Also from this event you may see all the screens in dedicated album on our Facebook page.


Single player campaign BRAVO FOXTROT TANGO has ben released as a part of Operations pack for CDLC CSLA Iron Curtain! Go beyond the Iron Curt...